Walking in Victory: Freedom from Spiritual Abuse by Carmen Ikem is one of the books that will be on display at the 2023 New Americans Book Fair at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Dublin City, Ohio on Saturday, September 23, 2023.

Carmen Ikem describes in a didactic writing the manipulative way people can experience spiritual abuse, noting that “It is a type of abuse that is not easily identified.”
Walking in Victory: Freedom from Spiritual Abuse is “written for anyone who has experienced the pain and trauma of this type of abuse or would like to know how to recognize it and stop it in its tracks.”
The author states that “as believers, we tend to be aware of many different methods of abuse, such as domestic violence, human trafficking, verbal abuse, mental abuse, or physical abuse. But you rarely, if ever, hear people talk about spiritual abuse.”
“This is my story of how I experienced spiritual abuse, trauma, emotional pain, and deep wounds before God gave me strength to triumph above it all, so that I could walk in victory. My hope is to bring the testimony of God’s hope, healing, and deliverance power.”
Carmen Ikem lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband Lucky and their four daughters. She is a Registered Nurse and the founder of Divine Heart Home Health and Nursing Services, LLC. Carmen is a graduate of KAMT (Kingdom Ambassador Ministerial Training) at the Lions International Training Institute and a graduate of EITI (Eagles International Training Institute) and is called into the prophetic ministry.
She will be reading excerpts from the book and will hold a book signing session at the fair.