About usAbout us

Who are the New Americans?
We are curious explorers of a new world, new terrains, new vistas, new opportunities, and new expressions.
We are determined to make our mark on the landscape history by our irreplaceable contributions to elevating the state of our communities and take ownership of the future as we seize the moments and momentum.
We are pioneers of great ideas in service to humanity and community. We have a pact with history with the pen of our actions and on the canvass of our collective conscience to make a difference in our communities.
We do not operate in isolation; we embrace partnerships to advance our ideas and projects.
We are naturalized Americans; we are immigrants; we are refugees; we are the New Americans.
We dare.
We dream.
We accomplish.
This is the innovative spirit behind the New Americans Book Fair which held first on Saturday, October 8, 2022, at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, 5590 Karl Road, Columbus. The 2023 New Americans Book Fair will hold at the Dublin branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Dublin, Ohio and it is open to the general public, including authors, writers, film makers, agents, literary artists. printers, publishers and other related individuals and organizations. ADMISSION IS FREE.

Reading Reimagined.
The theme is “New Americans Book Fair: Reading Reimagined.” This is a culture-shaping event aimed at celebrating the rich, cultural, and social heritage of the New Americans through the exposure of their literary works to a world yearning to learn and celebrate our differences, as well as keeping our works in their personal and corporate libraries.
One of the highlights of the book fair is the unveiling of the New Americans Books Section at the Karl Road Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, which will spread to other branches within a year.
On October 8, 2022, history will be made. We look forward to partnering with individuals, organizations and corporations as sponsors, authors/exhibitors, and participants.
This is an idea whose time has come, and we invite the entire community to join us in making it ideal.
Our Venue

Columbus Metropolitan Library,
5590 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH 43229, United States

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+1 6147260917

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